Welcome to Ravenswood Manor

LaPointe Park

The RMIA manages the small piece of land owned by the Water Reclamation District at the corner of Manor and Giddings known as LaPointe Park. Over the years, this piece of land has received various improvements, most recently from 2018 – 2022. For more details about the project, visit the project site at bit.ly/lapointepark. Thank you to all the donors who contributed to our Go Fund Me Campaign! See below for more info about the redevelopment.

LaPointe Park Redevelopment

LaPointe Park sits on a small piece of unbuildable land owned by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and leased by NeighborSpace. It was one of the very first NeighborSpace gardens and has been an open community space since the neighborhood was first developed circa 1914. It has been maintained by the owners of neighboring houses and by the Ravenswood Manor Improvement Association (RMIA). Jump to the Redevelopment Project site here.

In recent years, issues with standing water have minimized the park’s functionality, and the RMIA decided to devote funds to a redesign project. During the 2017-2018 year, a LaPointe Park committee worked with neighbors to create a low-maintenance plan for the park that resolves current issues while still allowing room for small children and families to play. We are happy to have partnered with local landscape architect, Ted Wolff, and landscaping company, Christy Webber, to break ground on the redesign in Spring of 2019.

Previous Conditions

Neighbor Space
Excerpt from the LaPointe Park page at Neighbor Space
“This space is a small park, sitting on a piece of land that’s unbuildable, due to its triangular shape and the water management drain lines located underground. The land is owned by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and leased by Neighbor Space.”

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