Welcome to Ravenswood Manor

The Manor News

The RMIA produces and distributes the Manor News twice per year to neighbors’ doorsteps with the help of volunteers just like you. For more information about contributing content or helping with distribution, please email newsletter@ravenswoodmanor.com.

Sponsorship & Newsletter Advertising Benefits:

Advertising in Manor News is a great way to promote your business to residents of Ravenswood Manor and support the work of our neighborhood association. The RMIA newsletter is produced twice per year and distributed to every household in Ravenswood Manor, from the river to Sacramento and Lawrence to Montrose. Manor News and RMIA email updates are the primary source for neighborhood news and events for residents and businesses. Your advertisement supports the work of the association to improve Ravenswood Manor and is greatly appreciated by our leadership and residents.

Moreover, there is a real economic benefit to your sponsorship. Roughly 1,100 hard copy newsletters are delivered to over 800 homes and businesses twice per year and each email blast is sent to approximately 1000 recipients (with an “click rate” that averages close to 45%). The pricing below is for 4 newsletter advertisements over two years and for being listed as a sponsor in approximately 40 RMIA email updates over two years (based on recent averages). Accordingly, the pricing below reflects your advertisement being included in roughly 4,400 physical newsletters and your business being listed as a sponsor in approximately 40 email blasts that are actually read by recipients approximately 18,000 times. So your business can expect to get exposure approximately 22,400 times (obviously varying up or down based on the factors noted).

Moreover, the vast majority of those 22,400 “touches” are of course by Ravenswood Manor residents. Accordingly, for businesses that are in or adjacent to Ravenswood Manor, or that otherwise generate or hope to generate revenue from Manor residents, this is an incredibly targeted and effective (and cost-effective) way of getting your products “front of mind” with actual customers. Especially where residents and customers will know that your business is sponsoring and supporting their community.

If you would like to place an ad, please contact the Editor at editor at ravenswoodmanor.com

Sponsorship and Advertising and Costs:

Two year sponsorship with large newsletter ads (7.75″ wide x 3.25″ high): $350

Two year sponsorship with medium newsletter ads (3.75″ wide x 3.25″ high): $300

Two year sponsorship with small newsletter ads (3.75″ wide x 2.00″ high): $250

To pay, use your Zelle account and reference the email: treasurer@ravenswoodmanor.com. Alternatively, mail a check payable to “Ravenswood Manor Improvement Association” to our PO Box: Ravenswood Manor Improvement Association, PO Box 25486, Chicago, IL 60625.

Your Manor News Team

  • Rob Lott & Danielle Defoe, Editors
  • Amazing team of block captains to help distribute to households

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